Quebec New Immigration Regulations for Skilled Workers
The application system for Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) which is based on first-come, first-served application process is changing in August 2018. Quebec Immigration Ministry, Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI), will facilitate the system by implementing a new Expression of Interest System – according to Quebec’s Immigration Minister David Heurtel.
The new system is designated to increase the efficiency of the immigration system by decreasing the process time for economic immigration applications to less than 12 months. This step is expected to help the economic growth of the province.
The new QSWP applying process is based on previously announced details from MIDI. These details are not final, and MIDI is expected to announce more details later. To know more about the initial steps intended for QSWP applying process please visit Canada visa on https://www.canadavisa.com/quebec-immigration-declaration-of-interest-system.html