Green Economy Forum
CSR Arabia is honored to launch the Green Economy Forum, entitled “The Transformation toward Green Economy”, on 29 September 2019 at Sheraton Cairo Hotel, under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment in Egypt, With the participation of a number of policy makers, businessmen and representatives of government, international organizations, civil society and youth.
The forum, which will be held in the collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute, will provide enterprises and companies with a platform that define the principles and policies required to facilitate the Green Transformation, highlight the new investment and market opportunities and showcase success stories and pilot experience of leading market players in green transformation.
The main topics that will be discussed in the forum will revolve around The Integrated Solid Waste Management, towards value addition and Circular Economy, Industrial Resource Efficiency and Industrial Competitiveness, Green Building and Sustainable Urban Development, Overview of Green Financing Mechanisms in the Egyptian Market, The Role of Renewable and Sustainable Energy in achieving 2030 sustainable development objectives.
Feel free to share your entity thoughts and experience with the Green Economy Forum Team.
For further information you can visit CSR Arabia’s website for more information about the forum and to check previous work.
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